Dear Parents and Friends,
Last November we experienced a loss with the departure of Deborah Boucher as our Faith Formation Director. As this was unexpected, we were not sure how we would proceed with making sure that our work with our students would continue.
We soon discovered that God had a plan. In our midst was someone who was eminently qualified to direct our Faith Formation efforts. She is Kara Russell, the mother of one of our First Grade students, and was well known to us from her work with us in our Music Ministry, as a keyboardist, a Cantor, and a member of our Parish Choir.
Many of you may already know Kara, from her ministry sharing, or from other interactions with her around the parish. Her history is one filled with work directing Religion Classes in a school, as well as advanced courses in Theology and Curriculum development for the school. She taught some of those classes, as well. We were very pleased to have her willing to share teaching her daughter’s class, and thus she was already with us as we began our search for who might be able to help us.
She was immediately open to accepting our invitation, much to our happiness, and I am happy to be able to let you know that she will be our Faith Formation Director.
She and her husband Phil have five children, ranging from College through First Grade. The four oldest are also involved in parish ministries, and I’ll bet her youngest will be joining us soon in some capacity. We are so pleased to have this family as part of our parish community.
We feel truly blessed to have her on our staff. Please offer her a warm welcome, as you do with all our staff.
I look forward to your getting to know her better, and know you will see how blessed we are to have her with us.
In Christ, Fr. Tom
Worship Schedule
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil
4 PM
8 AM, 10:30 AM
Weekday Masses:
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 AM
No Daily Mass Friday or Saturday
Monday - Thursday 6:50 AM
Friday & Saturday - 7:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 2:30 - 3 PM or by appointment
Holy Days of Obligation
4 PM Vigil the day before
7:30 AM & 7 PM the day of
Cable TV in Bourne:
Comcast Channel 13
Previous Week's Mass
Saturday - 3:00 PM
Sunday - 3:30 PM
Rosary - 7:30 AM - 7 Days a Week
Father Tom Frechette, Pastor
Come pray with us! View us virtually on our Livestreaming Webcam!
See more parish events in our bulletin and on our Events page.
If Bourne and Upper Cape cancel school, all classes and activities are cancelled; OR if afternoon school activities are cancelled, all parish meetings, activities, etc. are cancelled as well. On weekends/school vacations, please check WCVB and listen to local radio stations.
841 Shore Rd at Barlows Landing
PO Box 1558
Pocasset, MA 02559-1558
Tel: 508.563.5887
Faith Formation
Tel: 508.563.5536
Monday: 9 AM to 3 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM to 3 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM to 3 PM
Thursday: 9 AM to 4 PM
Friday: 9 AM to 4 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sundays. Closed
Please feel free to email Patty ( or call the office (508 563 5887 x101) anytime with any questions you may have.