Triduum Invitation 2023
Dear Friends,
As you read this we are fast approaching the very end of our Lenten journey.
This weekend it is Palm Sunday, which is the beginning of Holy Week. The Church defines these days as the holiest of our year, and not without reason. During these days we recall the events that led up to and accomplished salvation for us all. We review the human experiences that Jesus went through, both the heart-breaking and the heart-healing. In these moments we are all connected to each of the characters in the story. We are reminded that the story is actually continuing in and through our lives, and our response to his offer of grace to us right now makes this true.
The reason for this note is to invite and encourage you to plan on taking part in the services of Holy Week as fully as you are able. It won’t just “happen,” but will require a conscious decision on your part. The added great grace is that you can take part in these events not only in person, but also through our online presence. (Nothing is ever the same as being there, though, so keep that in mind!) The weekdays of Holy Week have their own purpose in preparing us for the Triduum. The Masses of this week set the stage for our hearts to be tender to know the anguish of the suffering Jesus endured, but also prepare us to receive the victory that he accomplished for us all.
Of singular importance is what is called the Sacred Triduum, which consists of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. These three celebrations are a single event drawn over three days. In these we ritually experience every moment of Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection. (Notice I say “ritually,” not “dramatically.” Get me to explain that difference to you someday!) We walk with and beside him so that each of these grace-filled moments becomes internalized within us, so as to bear full fruit in us. If done well, Easter and all that follows becomes a new birth of God’s grace in our lives. (If you think I’m over-selling this, you haven’t yet done this in the past.) These three days are the foundation of our life of faith, and we become disciples, and even apostles, when we walk with him through them. We are changed each time we experience the Triduum.
Together, Holy Week and Triduum are the gateway to lasting growth in faith. Please don’t miss this chance to make this Easter your best one yet. Make a conscious effort to join us!
In Christ,