Our Liturgical Ministries support our Liturgies and enhance our faith. If you are interested in sharing your time and talent, please contact the Welcome Center.
Altar Angels
"Many hands make light work." This is a dedicated group of men and women who meet in the church to complete light cleaning. The group cares for the vestments, altar linens, and vacuums, polishes, and dusts as needed. The group also replenishes the holy water.
The group also uses this time to enjoy each other's company while giving thanks to the Lord in His house. Altar angels currently gather on the second Tuesday of each month from 8 AM to 8:45 AM.
Altar Servers:
The members of this ministry assist the priest in preparing for, and in the celebration of Mass.
Our Youth Altar Server Ministry is vibrant and growing! Training is provided.
"Let the children come to me," (Luke 18:16). Altar servers are one of the many ways children and youth can actively participate in the parish. There are two main duties of a server: First, to assist the priest and deacon during the celebration of Mass; and second, to help the people pray by example.
The prerequisites for servers are as follows:
1. Have made First Communion
2. At least in 3rd grade
3. Enrolled in Faith Formation class
4. Willingness to serve any of the four weekend Masses, approximately once or twice per month.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
The celebration of Liturgy of the Word with children, on Sundays at 11 AM, is a wonderful liturgical experience allowing children to hear, reflect, and respond to God's Word at an appropriate age level. With trained leaders, the children gather in the St. Francis room to listen to God's Word. Responses in song and prayer are encouraged. Children are returned to parents before the Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers respond to the Baptismal call to serve God's people by assisting the priest and deacon in the distribution of Holy Communion. A strong commitment to Christ and his presence in the Eucharist is needed, and training is provided.
The prerequisites for EMs are as follows:
1. At least 16 years old
2. Have received the Sacrament of Initiation
3. Must be a Catholic in good standing
4. Willingness to serve any weekend Mass, approximately once or twice per month
Flower Ministry/Environment
The Flower Ministry consists of parishioners who beautify our altar and church with flower arrangements and/or plants on a weekly basis. This ministry is open to all, from the novice to the avid gardender, who wish to volunteer to beautify the altar and church. The ministry ensures that the Church is decorated for each liturgical season. They prepare the interior of the Church for Advent and Christmas, and for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. We work in teams on an alternating schedule.
Lectors assist the community in the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. The proclamation of the Scripture is a key element of our Sunday worship. The ministry requires that a person take some time to nurture a special relationship with the Word of God. Opportunities for spiritual growth and development will be offered throughout the year.
Masters of Ceremony
Masters of Ceremony are high school students who assist in the set-up, break-down, and flow of Mass as well as other Liturgical services and events. These youth serve as role models for youth altar servers and assist with their training.
The prerequisites for Masters of Ceremony are as follows:
1. Either previously Confirmed or
2. Currently enrolled in the Confirmation program
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry of St. John the Evangelist welcomes musicians of all ages and abilities! We are dedicated to proclaiming the greatness of God in song and encouraging full, conscious and active participation in the Mass by all. We have opportunities for Cantors, Youth, and Adult Choristers and other instrumentalists, with training offered as needed. The ministry also provides music for all church functions including weddings and funerals.
Rosary Ministry
St. John's has a Rosary Ministry devoted to Our Lady, and the entire parish community is invited to participate. Women and men of all ages are welcome! We speak one language in our ministry, and that is the language of love for Our Lady and Our Lord! The Rosary is held every morning at 7:00 am prior to the 7:30 am daily Mass.
The Usher Ministry serves to ensure that parishioners and visitors feel welcome, as well as to provide a strong sense of community at Mass.
Ushers provide a warm welcome with a pleasant smile, and are available to provide any needed assistance at Mass. They also collect the offerings at Mass.
This ministry includes men and women, from teens to seniors, and is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship. Patricipants should be available for any of the weekend Masses, approximately once or twice per month.
Wedding Coordinators
The joyful ministry assists brides, grooms, and their families in planning rehearsals and ceremonies. Coordinators contact the couple approximately one month before the wedding to confirm plans are in place and offer any assistance in the days leading up to the wedding. Coordinators are present at the rehearsal and ceremony to ensure all goes as planned.