"Set your stakes on great ideals, the ideals that enlarge the heart, the ideals of service that make your talents fruitful. Life is not given to us to be jealously guarded for ourselves, but is given to us so that we may give it in turn.” Pope Francis
Do you have a talent for music that you are hiding away from your parish community? Are you sitting there wishing you could get more involved? Hoping someone would ask? Well, consider yourself asked! The Music Ministry here at St. John's is looking to grow, but we need your help to do this!
Please contact John Brennan at john@sjeparish.com or by calling the Parish Office at 508.563-5887. We are seeking choristers, cantors and accompanists.
Do you play an instrument? Let John know what it is.
Do you sing, but not in public? The choir may be for you! Contact John today!
Adult Choir

The Adult choir meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. All voice parts are welcome and needed. Experience is not a necessity; the desire to sing the praise of Almighty God is!
See John, email him at John@sjeparish.com or call him at (508) 563-5887.
Children's Choir

The Children's Choir is always looking for new members! Please contact John for more info.
Please join us!