The parishioners of St. John's are committed to serving each other and our community. If you are interested in sharing your time and talents, please contact the Welcome Center.
Bourne Manor Ministry
Bourne Manor Ministry is a ministry of care and compassion for the residents of Bourne Manor. In addition, teams of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist by providing a weekly Communion Service, spiritual companionship, and consolation to the sick. St. John the Evangelist church considers all residnts at Bourne Manor who partake of this ministry to be important and active parishioners within the faith community.
Catechists facilitate the faith formation process by echoing the Word of God in his or her own life and by helping others to do the same. The role of the Catechist includes faith formation of our youth in grades 1 - 9. Catechists are also needed for Baptism Preparation, RCIA, and Children's Liturgy of the Word. Per Diocesan policy, catechists working with youth must pass a CORI check, and view the Child Protection video. Commitment can vary from 2 - 6 hours per month, depending on the area of interest.
Knights of Columbus:
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization based on four principles.
They are: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
Ministry to the Homebound:
Trained Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are sent with the blessing of our clergy and congregation to deliver communion to those confined to home or care facility. Those serving in this ministry may expect to serve several times per year. The visit can be a home or a long-term care facility. Homebound Ministers of Care enable to homebound to feel that they are part of our parish community.
We have a team of wonderful parishioners who provide a weekly communion service for the residents of the Bourne Manor. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, you should posess a comfort in working with the cognitively impaired and frail elderly. Sensitivity, patience, calmness, good listening skills, and ability to gently persuade and encourage are other traits that are important to this ministry.
Qualified LEMs are mandated by the parish priest and have been trained according to the Diocese of Fall River guidelines.
Ministry of Care:
Our team helps lessen the burden of a funeral collation by setting up tables, making coffee, and helping with cleanup. They are available at the event as well to offer service as needed. If you are interested in joining this ministry, you should be available on short notice, and have a willingness to help the bereaved.
St. Vincent de Paul Society:
Our St. Vincent de Paul Society offers assistance to those experiencing a need. We also provide referrals to spiritual and community resources, so they may also have the tools to provide for themselves and their families.
If you are interested in this ministry, you should possess a strong sense of confidentiality, be a good listener, and feel comfortable helping those in need.