Weekly Offertory
Contributing to the Weekly Offertory ensures that we are able to provide for the needs of our faith community. From lights to leaks to letterhead, your donations to the Weekly Offertory helps us run the "business" of the parish.
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is not just about sharing your treasure, but also about giving of yourself, your time and talents, for the good of the parish and the community. Please visit our Ministries page for ways you can share your gifts with the parish.
Click here to read our Financial Report for 2015-2016.
Click here to read our Financial Report for 2014-2015.
Special (Second) Collections
The second collections are used to further sustain and support the mission of the parish.
Some collections are mandated by the Diocese of Fall River, and others remain within the parish. Please see the Special Collections page for more information on these important collections.
SJE Annual Appeal
The Annual Appeal makes up an important part of our income. Funds from the appeal are used for operating expenses, and a portion is earmarked for special projects around the parish, such as fixing the concrete steps at the Church. More information coming soon.
Planned Giving
Have you thought about remembering SJE in your will to help support the good works of the parish? You may contact the parish office about a gift, and look for a more formal Gift/Bequest program coming soon.